5M+ Download of L.O.L. Surprise! Disco House!

L.O.L. Suprise! not only rules the world, but charts too! We love to see our collaboration with MGA Entertainment be so successful! Thank you to each one of you who downloaded the app. We are very happy to see so many players enjoy the L.O.L. Surprise! Disco House. More than 5 million players worldwide make us even more motivated to create the best games for kids. We can promise that new surprises are coming! If you haven't joined the fun yet, you can do it right now - https://tutotoons.com/games/details/512 Best wishes to all the B.B.s! Download L.O.L. Surprise! Disco House – Google Play –https://bit.ly/2RFIPZp Apple Store –https://apple.co/3pES0G8 Amazon Appstore –https://amzn.to/3zhIZXV

TutoTOONS: A Success Story That Started at a Hackathon

With Hacker Games coming to Kaunas, Startup Lithuania shared the short story how TutoTOONS was born during a hackathon in Barcelona.  We hope that it will inspire everyone to participate in hackathons and follow one’s dream. Enjoy the article and share you thoughts. :) Thank you Startup Lithuania! Startup Lithuania is an organization building startup community and getting together international investors, mentors, accelerators and creative minds.

New Milestone: TutoTOONS Is Doubling Its Results!

Do you know what is more than 10 millions? It’s 20 millions! Yes you heard it right! Today we want to announce that… In less than 3 months, TutoTOONS went from 10 to 20 MILLION GAME DOWNLOADS, doubling our results from previous months! Happiness is all around us! Stay with us and we’ll let you know when TutoTOONS reaches another impressive number! UPDATE | June 29 Good news travels fast - Arctic Startup, independent tech blog that brings you the news from Nordic and Baltic startups, writes about us! Read more here.