Meet Salvatore, Creator of “Althea’s Magic Wand”
Boost your creative powers and get ready for a good dose of inspiration with Salvatore Pastore, illustrator and artist of the first tribal TutoTOONS game “Althea’s Magic Wand”. Here he shares many tips that we hope will encourage everyone to be free, open minded and afraid of nothing!
Sneak Peek at the Game
Althea’s Magic Wand grabs your attention with its unique Indian topic and fun tribal adventures. Beautiful Althea and her wise grandmother Maggie invite kids to learn how to wield a magic wand. Children have to create traditional native makeup for Althea, take care of her pet Griffin, clean up a sacred land, dress up Althea in modern clothes, make delicious desserts… Watch more in the video!
TutoTOONS: Hi Slavatore!
First, please tell us about yourself.
Salvatore: Hello! I’m Salvatore Pastore, an illustrator. Since I was born, I loved drawing my fantasies and reality around me, using colors and pens, and pencils… and, sometimes, walls at home!
I’ve studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples for 5 years, where I realized how beautiful and amazing it is to work on stories (for books, games and comics) and draw them to make a beautiful work of images and animations.
At the moment, I’m working as a teacher in a school in the north of Italy, in Mantova, teaching how to make comic books. And I’m also working on a comic book for a publishing project.
Since I was 20 years old, I’ve been dreaming of becoming a great writer and illustrator.
Finger crossed!!!
What kind of video games do you like to play? Which are your favorite ones?
I like to play RPG, adventure and action games. My favorite one is the Final Fantasy Saga. I LOVE IT. The stories, the characters… WOW!!! It inspired me a lot about how to write my stories and personal projects!
Did you have game development experience before you started to work with TutoTOONS? Have you ever thought that you will be creating games?
No, I don’t! I didn’t have game development experiences before TutoTOONS, and I’ve never thought that I could ever do that. It was a totally surprise to me. An amazing surprise! And, after a lot of time, work and study, now I’m proud of it!
That’s awesome! Let’s hear about your game. How did you come up with the game idea?
Unfortunately, the game idea is not mine. I made just the graphic part. The beautiful idea was made by Miles Johnson. Great work, Miles!
What was the most fun part of making this game?
Uhm… maybe the characters studies. Yes, for me, this is always the most interesting and fun part of all.
And what was the most challenging part?
Well, maybe the animations! Making the drawings come alive was not so easy because I’ve never done it before.
How much time did it take to create Althea’s Magic Wand?
A lot of time, just because I was working on other projects at the same time. So, I didn’t have the time that I needed, ‘till the end. It was hard but an amazing experience too!!!
What, in your opinion, is the most important thing in game creation?
A good personality, a strong desire to work in a team, to learn a lot of new things (always!), no fears to share and show the daily works to the team, and taking criticisms to improve in every aspect of yourself!!!
Great insights! Share a few game creation tips for people who are just starting to work on their first game.
If you love to draw, if you love to invent, if you love what are you working on… I can say just one thing: don’t be afraid of the
things which you’ve never did before, TutoTOONS team will be always ready to help you to understand things which you don’t. So, go on! Free from any fears! ;)
Are you planning to make more games with TutoTOONS? Feel free to reveal some details!
Yes, why not? Yes, it needs time and dedication (as in every job) but it’s a beautiful and useful experience. Yeah, I’d like to repeat it! For sure!
Describe TutoTOONS in 1 sentence.
A good way to improve abilities and learn a lot of new things!
Any final thoughts?
Just an important advice: let’s play TutoTOONS games, guys!!!
Thank you for your answers, time and energy!
Let’s follow Salvatore’s advice and play Althea’s Magic Wand! Get the game here:
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.tutotoons.app.altheasmagicwand.free&hl=en
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1081839534
Amazon Appstore for Android: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BHZVLP4/