December Newsletter Is Out!
Hello TutoTOONS friends!
The past month for us was a month of milestones and media. TutoTOONS name showing up in the press, on social networks and TV had at least two big reasons – crossing 50M downloads and winning at two major startup contests!
Ready for our monthly updates? Get the first look at the newest TutoTOONS features, followed by our team news, best-selling games and latest events!
Read more: http://eepurl.com/bH9jRv
Subscribe: http://tutotoons.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=8fb368af3f44aecab4027a6e0&id=bb337146d1
Past issues: http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=8fb368af3f44aecab4027a6e0&id=bb337146d1