Poly-Monde 2017 Visiting TutoTOONS
It’s been a week since we had the amazing Poly-Monde team at our Kaunas office. The group of future engineers from Canada scheduled one of their industrial visits at TutoTOONS during Poly-Monde mission 2017 in the Baltic States and Finland.
After a quick presentation, TutoTOONS co-founder Mantas Radvila received many questions about the mobile game industry and shared his insights and predictions. Poly-Monde team also wanted to see how our game builder works.
“You’ve just created a game in only 3 minutes!” a comment came from the audience after Mantas built a game using Swipe & Cut template, and played it. At the end, we still had some time for a quick photo and chat.
Hope you had a nice stay in Lithuania and good luck with Poly-Monde 2017 mission!