April – Stress Awareness Month!

How was your April? April was a stress awareness month and the workplace can be one of the biggest sources of stress in our lives. No matter where you work, in the office or at home - always take breaks and set clear, reachable goals for yourself and your team. This will help you to keep your work/life balance more harmonious. Also, never dwell too long on errors and always keep learning new things! No matter how hard things might seem, we believe you can do it! TutoTOONS hopes you had an inspiring April and got some ideas of how to make your workplace even more stress free!

MWC 2017 & Gamelab Mobile in Barcelona

Just a couple of weeks ago TutoTOONS team enjoyed two big events in Barcelona - Mobile Worlds Congress and Gamelab Mobile, followed by a super fun 200M downloads celebration dinner with KIDOZ, App Annie and Google partners. Mobile World Congress, the world’s largest conference for the mobile industry which included Gamelab Mobile exclusive summit, brought together the leaders of the gaming and the mobile sectors to discuss the latest trends and opportunities. Being a Barcelona-born startup, we were happy to attend the first-class events at home. Thank you everyone for being together at the conference and celebrating our special occasion!

TutoTOONS: A Success Story That Started at a Hackathon

With Hacker Games coming to Kaunas, Startup Lithuania shared the short story how TutoTOONS was born during a hackathon in Barcelona.  We hope that it will inspire everyone to participate in hackathons and follow one’s dream. Enjoy the article and share you thoughts. :) Thank you Startup Lithuania! Startup Lithuania is an organization building startup community and getting together international investors, mentors, accelerators and creative minds.

September 2016 Newsletter

Hello TutoTOONS friends! Let’s not say goodbye to summer just yet and have a look at what August brought to TutoTOONS instead. One of our developers moved to Barcelona and joined the BCN team. We had a super fun kayak trip to celebrate 8 years in the gaming industry. Dogs are common guests in our meetings (or at leat try to sneak in). And the new awesome TutoTOONS features, of course! Read More: http://eepurl.com/ccz3nH Past Issues: http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=8fb368af3f44aecab4027a6e0&id=bb337146d1